Eat My Sandwich

Keeping up with yesterday...


It is JUST three months for people who are in love. You guys weren't.

But she said she loved me?

Does she act like it?

No. But.

Full of Tiger Biscuits

My version of Chocolate Brownie flavoured ice cream - Tiger biscuits for $1.25. I don't think I've ever reached this low point before. Not here at least. Friends. Money. School. Family. Her. And her.

When did love get separated from romance and converge with relationship? But it was me who always said that love comes out of a relationship. So I must have been mistaken. 

When did insecurity divorce a person to be with material things? But it was me who always said material things were immaterial. So I must have been mistaken.

At least I was right about one thing all along though. All misunderstandings occur because of lack of communication or miscommunication. You never clarified yourself. You can't say sorry without understanding what you did. It's not an honest apology.

Then you said goodbye without saying goodbye...

Collapsing Romance

Sometimes your woman can make guy friends who you just don't like. It's wise for them to stay away from them but they just don't get it. Like, it could be someone they recently met - someone they had no previous connection with (except for some vague one like they were in the same school or they kinda recognize each other from some place). 

My problem is, I can't help it if you have already made a connection with someone before we met. But if you start making new, deeper and more intimate connections with other guys, then I'm sorry, I can't tolerate it. Because this is the person you're gonna go sobbing to if we break up or even have a fight, and this person will take full advantage of the situation - hell, he might as well be your next boyfriend.

The height of this problem would be if you throw away the cute little band that I gave you as a gift (and that too in front of me - and then ask me to empty the trash) - so what if it's not an expensive item - that is not the point of gifts - it's the emotional value. In contrast, if you have the emotional consciousness to store that blasted postcard he gave you, that chummy male friend of yours, then we have a problem. Because then, that means, you're not emotionally blind or cold-hearted. You are showing (and are capable of showing) warmth and love (affection?) for one person over the other (here it's some random dude over your boyfriend). And the fact that you do it so casually only makes it worse.

The complaint is simple - you don't show any love or affection towards me - so why should I be the one to end it - seeing that this is not working out? I am the one who is always showering you with love and affection. You're the one who is not in love, so you should be the one to end it. 

And excuse me, but here's a simple idea if you don't know what to do with all the flowers I've given you - wait for them to dry, crush the flowers, throw the green parts, and then put them in that empty perfume bottle that you've got (the tiny one), and then keep it with you forever. Things like that build romance.

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What to Make of Such Comments?

So if your girlfriend had a crush on someone when she was 13ish, and she's still friends with the guy, it's perfectly normal. Of course. Then if the guy takes like 10 of those annoying quizzes on Facebook and she comments on one of them, that is perfectly normal too. Fine. But what if the quiz is "What sexual position are you?", his result is "Doggy Style", and her comment is "Nice!"? What to make of such comments?

Well, what if you know for a fact that the doggy style is her favourite position? And what if the only traceable online communication they had with each other prior to this 'incident' was when she posted a link to how the Kenyan women were gonna sex starve their men, where he commented, "It's 7 days only, what?"

Of course, you might argue that those kind of interactions are perfectly normal for any boy-girl friendly-only relationship. But what if her family believes in the Hindu caste system and wants her to marry only within the caste? And what if this guy belonged to her caste and you didn't come anywhere near it?

What do you make of such a situation? Is there any cause for alarm? Or do you just ignore it, slap a smile on your face and be on your merry way?

On your merry own way out of the relationship, if you ask me! Slowly and steadily, you will be filtered out.

Yeah, you're right. Facebook makes your private life way too public.

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